Sunday, March 1, 2009

Airboat ride in Big Cypress Swamp

On the way from the gulf to the keys, we stopped at an Indian reservation to take an airboat ride. Billie Swamp Safari is run by the Seminole Indian Tribe. They offer Airboat and Swamp Buggie tours along with several other attractions such as Aligator Wrestling. We skipped all the attractions except the airboat ride. The ride through Big Cypress Swamp was quite a show of nature. On the tour we saw gator's, turtles, racoons, wild boar, and many varieties of birds.


  1. This is the same airboat ride we took. We also took the Swamp Buggie tour. Keep having fun.


  2. I once gave a cypress "knee" (the part that sticks up out of the water) as my gift in a White Elephant gift exchange, which was actually a contest to see who could come up with the most bizarre gift. The look on the face of the lucky recipient was priceless!
